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Dr. Doepp • October 6, 2021

Our Brains are Targets No. 1, Cleared for Firing - an Overview


The  number  of  brain  diseases  is  constantly  increasing.  There  are a multitude of causes for this. Our organism has a nature-electric structure,  it  works  analogously  and  is  a  part  of  nature.  However,  the environment as well as the inner world are becoming more and more digital and thus unnatural. The entry points for the brain are naturally the sense organs who are suffering.

a)  the eyes: flickering light, neon tubes, LEDs, blue light from

monitors, no more black nights

b) the ears: no more silence, cacophony, constant noise, rock and pop

c)  the  endocrine  glands  of  the  brain:  technical  electrosmog 

(new: 5G), Haarp, geoengineering, fluorides, light metals,

chemtrails, Schumann frequency changes.

The infestation with neurotropic viruses is increasingly developing  into  widespread  diseases:  EBV,  cytomegaloviruses, herpes viruses, spike proteins; also other pathogens: Borrelia, Toxoplasma... While the blood-brain barrier used to provide a shield,  this  is  now  increasingly  perforated.  Spike  proteins  from  mRNA vaccinations produce brain venous thrombosis.

Unfortunately, dentistry is another issue. While dentists used to prefer a revealing therapy, i.e. pulling out diseased teeth, a covering therapy  has  developed  in  recent  decades.  The  aim  is  to  preserve  diseased teeth, e.g. with root canal treatments. The more academic dentistry became, the more the relationship between foreign substances  in  the  mouth  and  the  health  of  the  whole  body  was  ignored.

What  does  complementary  medicine  say  about  this?  It  says  that  dentists  should  see  their  primary  task  as  making  the  mouth  toxin-free, not maintaining or even producing foci/toxins, but removing  anything  that  might  be  toxic  from  the  mouth.  What  are  the poisons that come into consideration? They are: fluorides,mercury, palladium, platinum (e.g. in dental gold) and other heavy metals, but also dead tissue = cadaveric toxins, and above all foci in the sense of inflammations, granulomas and foci of all kinds.

In  more  recent  times,  efforts  to  achieve  a  superficially aesthetic  dental  appearance  have  led  to  implants  taking  the  place  of  previously  common  prosthetic  restorations.  In  principle,  there  is  nothing  negative  about  this,  as  long  as  ceramic  is  used,  which  is  usually  tolerated  by  the  body.  However,  titanium  pins  are  used  today, which (in line with their use in artificial joint prostheses) do not seem to cause allergies or rejection when they first come into contact with the organism.More  recently,  however,  bioresonance  therapists  have  noticed  that titanium is less and less tolerated after a few months. This runs parallel  to  the  exposure  to  chemtrails,  which  contain  titanium  as  an  important  component,  and  to  the  titanium  oxide  admixtures  in  many  medicines.  Whereas  heavy  metals  used  to  be  the  main  problem,  today  light  metals  have  been  added,  most  clearly  visible  in  the  aluminium  poisoning  of  the  brain  and  especially  our  pineal  glands.

New Topics, NICO and RANTES

Now to the RANTES. It is thanks to colleagues Lechner and von Baehr that they have uncovered the relationship between chronic osteitis of the jaw of the NICO type (non-infectious chronic osteitis) and  serious  diseases  in  the  body.  This  concerns  mainly  cancer,  in  women  preferentially  breast  cancer.  Regarding  NICO,  there  are  several problems: a) it hardly causes any pain or other subjective
discomfort, b) it is not known/recognised by most dentists, c) it is difficult to detect in normal x-rays.

For decades, the author sent patients who showed dental focus findings in the bioresonance to the dentist with the request of a focus clarification. Most of them came back with the result “everything is fine, there is nothing there”. When computer tomography came along with the possibility of assessing the jaw bones more precisely, patients  surprisingly  came  back  after  the  CT  with  the  result  of  a  
tooth root or jaw bone focus. The time of objectifying the suspicious findings began.Now one could object that this is, so to speak, dental esotericism. However, this objection is no longer valid since the objective blood value of the RANTES became analysable in such cases. RANTES is  a  chemokine  that  is  detectable  in  elevated  levels  in  NICO  and  represents, among other things, oxidative stress in NICO (

For decades, the author sent patients who showed dental focus findings in the bioresonance to the dentist with the request of a focus clarification. Most of them came back with the result “everything is fine, there is nothing there”. When computer tomography came along with the possibility of assessing the jaw bones more precisely, patients  surprisingly  came  back  after  the  CT  with  the  result  of  a  
tooth root or jaw bone focus. The time of objectifying the suspicious findings began.Now one could object that this is, so to speak, dental esotericism. However, this objection is no longer valid since the objective blood value of the RANTES became analysable in such cases. RANTES is  a  chemokine  that  is  detectable  in  elevated  levels  in  NICO  and  represents, among other things, oxidative stress in NICO (

Quote  from  a  Publication  by  Lechner  and  Von  Baehr

Kieferherd_und_systemische_Entzundungen_-_Literaturrecherche_zu_RANTES_Publikationen), as well as:

“For decades, phenomena such as “jaw ostitis” and “NICO” have been causally linked to general diseases as so-called “foci”. Energy  pathways  of  Chinese  acupuncture  have  also  served  as holistic  functional  and  explanatory  models.  The  authors’  research  shows with modern laboratory methods that over-activated signal  transduction cascades, especially of the chemokine RANTES in osteolytic changes of the jaw bone, can be linked to RANTES effects in complex chronic diseases. We thus present an extended explanatory
model of the so-called “interference field effect” from the tooth-jaw  area and thus promote complementary and integrative thinking in medicine  and  dentistry.  The  modern  increase  in  knowledge  about  the pathophysiological role of the chemokine RANTES, however, contrasts with minimal hits in relation to osteopathies of the jaw bone in a corresponding literature search. This extreme imbalance
is presented and critically questioned. ”


A patient with breast cancer came for a Time Waver® examination every 2 months. She rejected orthodox medicine. Each time,  a  NICO  suspicion  came  up,  among  other  things,  concerning  the area 37/38. She went to her family dentist, who found nothing in  the  normal  panoramic  X-ray.  Then  she  chose  a  complementary  dentist who was able to confirm the findings on CT. He sent blood for RANTES determination to a laboratory, with the result of an increase to double. She wrote in her email of 05.07.2021: “We will definitely continue with the amalgam removal and he also recommended that I visit the dentist Dr. J. L. in Munich, who can do a CaviTAU ultrasound examination to determine possible diseases of the jaw. RANTES is one of these diseases. The RANTES value is 58.2 and should be less than 30. I think I have found the cause of the breast cancer. RANTES is responsible for many diseases, including breast cancer. You had always seen during the bioresonance therapy that I had an inflammation in my jaw.”

This case is exemplary for the topic of NICO and RANTES. May this knowledge spread as widely as possible. The so frequent separation of dentistry and holistic medicine must not be maintained.

Oral Cavity, Lymph flow and Brain

A general issue today is the insufficient lymphatic drainage of the head and thus the brain. This is accompanied by “silent inflammation” of the glial tissue, a special type of mitochondriopathy in the brain, along with anti-RNA antibodies. The insufficient brain detoxification leads to an oversaturation of free radicals or oxidative stress.  Unfortunately,  the  oral  cavity  is  an  important  source  of  toxins and thus an overload of the lymphatic drainage of the head. It  is  not  only  a  matter  of  organic  disorders,  but  of  disorders  of  consciousness, of loss of consciousness, of vegetation instead of an individual life.

The brain suffers, it develops diseases. The eyes and the ENT organs are also affected. To get the lymph flow moving, head and neck lymph drainage is useful, but insufficient. Vibration therapy of the head and neck, especially with the connective tissue frequency
of approx. 25 Hz according to Vladimir Nazarov (Biomechanical Stimulation = BMS) Another possibility of an autotherapy of the brain is the long-lasting humming of “OM”.
Additionally it promotes the state of our consciousness.


Our brains are targets nowadays of different origines like it has never been before. We have to know about that in order to protect ourselves, and to protect our most precious organ.

Click here to download the original publication

By Dr Doepp December 2, 2021
Opinion If one looks at the statistics on cancer incidence worldwide and at the cure rates - at least over 5 years - you will see that we are further away than ever from beating cancer (as President Nixon announced at the time). There are cancers where cure rates are close to zero, and there are others whose incidence is exploding. The predominant therapy still consists of the old trias: scalpel, chemotherapy and radiation. In the field of chemotherapy, new ways and means are constantly being brought onto the market, such as immunotherapy. It is very expensive and has only slightly increased cure rates. One problem is regularly that the untargeted chemotherapy kills the sensitive cells but does not reach the resistant cells. These can then multiply at will.The crux of the matter is that although oncologists repeatedly promise personalisation or individualisation instead of regimens, this hardly ever happens in routine. And it is only these conditions, however, that can provide a leap forward: tumour-specific and individualised chemotherapy. A laboratory method exists for this purpose: the “liquid biopsy”. It manages more than 3 million mentions on Google and is described as globally recognised in Wikipedia. We have been performing it on every cancer patient for more than a year ( ). To do this, 40 ml of blood is sent to a special laboratory in Greece. There, the cancer cells are selected and multiplied many times. With their help, one can now recognise the type of cancer, one can test all existing chemotherapeutic agents for their effectiveness on the cancer cells and also test about 60 potentially cytotoxically effective natural remedies. The RGCC laboratory writes: With our tests we pursue three goals A. Potential early detection of an undiagnosed cancer. B. Monitoring of already diagnosed cancers. C. Individualised advice on the use of chemotherapeutic agents and natural substances from which individual patients can benefit.” The result lists are rankings of effectiveness in killing cancer cells. Individual therapy can now be put together from the best-performing chemical and natural agents. Of the chemical agents, for example, the ancient cisplatin has proven effective, and of the natural agents, Angiostop®, made from sea cucumber. But Artemisia annua, the annual mugwort, also proves its abilities, as does high-dose intravenous vitamin C. We have made the experience that individualisation allows a reduction of the dosage in chemotherapy, to about 50%, the so-called “low-dose chemo”. It has considerably fewer side effects than high-dose chemo. As a third pillar of therapy, we use intracellular enzymes from the company Citozeatec: . They are used by means of tumour-specific intake protocols. The enzymes do not have a cytotoxic effect but convert the lactate metabolism typical of cancer and back into oxygen metabolism. The cancer cells can thus be “resocialised”. Enzymes have proven their abilities in a cancer study at the Tor Vergata University in Rome: . Since the enzymes are nature-identical, they can be used via all existing access routes: oral, nasal, inhalation, anal, vaginal, subcutaneous, intravenous.
By Dr Doepp December 2, 2021
A remark at the outset : one should distinguish between digestive enzymes (formerly called ferments) and intracellular enzymes. The former have been in use for a long time; they include lipases, amylases, peptidases or the well-known bromelain. They work excellently in the intestine, but only partially pass into the blood and not at all into the body cells. They "crack" larger molecules and in this way "clean" the intestinal contents and to a limited extent the blood. Beneficial, of course. However, intracellular enzymes have far greater tasks; without them there is no life. The entire intermediary metabolism needs them and consists of them, i.e. energy production towards ATP (together with coenzymes) as well as protein production and the monitoring of DNA functions. Without them, the body's cells would be unable to function. At any moment, mainly as a result of oxidative and nitrosamine stress, thousands of DNA changes occur, the repair of which is the responsibility of enzymes. The Theory Wikipedia: "Enzymes are divided into seven enzyme classes according to the reaction they catalyze: EC 1: Oxidoreductases, which catalyze redox reactions. EC 2: Transferases, which transfer functional groups from one substrate to another. EC 3: Hydrolases, which cleave bonds using water. EC 4: Lyases that catalyze the cleavage or synthesis of more complex products from simple substrates, but without consumption of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) or another nucleoside triphosphate (NTP). EC 5: Isomerases that accelerate the conversion of chemical isomers. EC 6: Ligases or synthetases that catalyze addition reactions using ATP (or another NTP).[11] A reverse reaction (cleavage) is usually energetically unfavorable and does not occur. EC 7: Translocases, the transport of substances at or through cell membranes. Some enzymes are capable of catalyzing several reactions, some of them very different. Without enzymes, most biochemical reactions in living organisms would take place at negligible rates. As with any spontaneously occurring reaction, the free enthalpy of reaction ({\display style \Delta G}\Delta G) must be negative. The enzyme accelerates the setting of the chemical equilibrium – without changing it. The catalytic efficiency of an enzyme is based solely on its ability to lower the activation energy {\displaystyle (\Delta G^{\ddagger })}(\Delta G^{\ddagger }) in a chemical reaction: this is the amount of energy that must initially be invested to get the reaction started. During this, the substrate is increasingly altered, assuming an energetically unfavorable transition state. The activation energy is now the amount of energy required to force the substrate into the transition state. This is where the catalytic action of the enzyme comes in:Through non-covalent interactions with the transition state, it stabilizes it so that less energy is required to force the substrate into the transition state. The substrate can be converted into the reaction product much more quickly, since a path is "paved" for it, so to speak." The Realization This is a biodynamic phenomenon, which in its magnificence is familiar to only a few. Medically active people learnthis as a theory and soon for get it again. A therapeutic application was not known until about 10 years ago, because there was as nature-identical industrial production only that of individual enzymes. However, the use of single enzymes as well as coenzymes (NADH, Q10 etc) is not logical, because the intermediary metabolism works like a cogwheel structure. If you increase the concentration of individual components, the whole thing stutters or falters. Only the supply of as many components as possible, including the substrates, enables a smooth improvement of the processes. Since lesions in enzyme functions are involved in almost all diseases, enzymopathy (accompanied by mitochondriopathy) can be called a basic pathology. Consequently, enzyme therapyis a basic therapy and not limited to some diseases. There are intake protocols for over 300 defined pathologies. "Complementary Enzyme Therapy https :// Complementary enzyme therapy is a set of treatments used to support traditional medical treatments for different types of pathologies, such as tumors, auto immune diseases or chronic diseases like multiple sclerosis. The use of biodynamic components favors cellular metabolic reactivation and obtains excellent results. The biodynamic components are able to maintain a cellular stability defined as "allostatic" during pathological processes and are able to provide the necessary energy for intracellular support. In countries such as Germany or Austria, where the use of biodynamic components to support many pathologies iscommon, it has been foundthatcomplementaryenzymatictherapies can open new scenarios for the treatment of these pathologies, arriving from biochemistry (and therefore from the study of the cell) also in the solution of the pathologyitself. For example, somestudies on cardiovascular pathologies showedthat the use of biodynamic components allowed the reduction of carotid plaques and a reduction in fattyliver and cholesterollevels. Other studies showed how it is possible to improve the quality of life and increase the body weight of patients under going advanced lung cancer chemotherapy. Usually, weight loss in cancer patients is caused by cancer cachexia and chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting. These observations were considered by Giuseppe Cotellessa, researcher and inventor of an original physical-mathematical method, patented by ENEA on the basis of important practical applications for the benefit of humanity. He mentioned the possible effect of the biodynamic components on the regression of lung cancer and the evaluation of the patient's quality of life. Moreover, the effects of the treatment with biodynamic components were also studied from a metabolic point of view. The data collected during the experiments would indicate that the biodynamic components increase the performance of the normal cells in the body and improve the patient's quality of life. On the contrary, their activity would cause the energy in the cancer cells to be reduced, slowing down the progression of the disease. It could be deduced that these new technologies could help in the treatment of cancer patients, not as antitumor agents, of course, but as a useful strategy to improve the quality of life by reducing the unwanted symptoms of chemotherapy." Effects on Cancer Cells In case of cancer the enzymes are not working as cytotoxic agents, but they are resocializing the lactate metabolism of cancer cells, which find back to their riginal oxigen metabolism.Genetic diseases are also a field of activity for enzymes, since the normal endogenous repair of DNA is their responsibility. Genetic aberrations and DNA breaks can be repaired or even normalized by enzymes. Italy seems to be the country that is moving forward in this regard . The nature-identical industrial production of the "biodynamic components" as an imitation of what takes place inside the body's cells is taking place in Milano ( ). The future If we look at the future of medicine, pharmacology as the use of substances foreign to the body without the use or addition of the self-healing powers will not have a promising future. Their more and more expensive means cannot be paid for in the foreseeable future either. On the other hand, the future belongs to the real application of the sciences of biophysics and biochemistry. The former is a typical subject of the Societies for Energy and Information Medicine (e.g. ). Biochemistry as part of orthomolecular medicine cannot be better realized than with the enzyme therapy described here ( ). Recently, a scientific publication appeared on successes of enzymes also in multiple sclerosis ( ). This shows that the reseem to be almost no limitations for enzymes. In particular, the autoimmune processes of many people that we are facing in Covid-19 seem to respond positively. We have a wide field ahead of us here.
October 14, 2021
Our future will be digital, or it will not be. That’s what you could say if you extrapolate the existing tendencies and trends. Of course, we love the analog world, e.g., that of nature, biology, and all living beings. However, we should have no illusions: in the next few years, the current changes will continue and take more and more serious forms. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is waiting. “1984” will become our reality, a surveillance state, accompanied by a virtual reality, a pseudo-reality. Children will think the virtuality on their screens to be more real than material reality. To get out of the game, the entire Internet would have to be paralyzed, e.g., because of an electromagnetic pulse “EMP” by a huge solar flare. These developments also include the official version of a future digital clinic. On a card, a chip, or a cell phone App all information about us will be stored, including data about our behaviour, vaccinations, therapies, and diseases. Something similar is already in place in China. Those who refuse to comply will receive sanctions in the form of loss of freedom and rights. Those interested in this will be able to keep i.e., our examination results and diagnoses (as well as bank data, cell phone data, fully automated households, self-driving cars, etc.). The complete networking in “Big Data” is imminent and will then be available to every clinic. We can hardly imagine what high-performance computers are already capable of today, and what they can perform as quantum data, and what they will be able to do in the future as quantum computers. We have contrasted this with our own version of a Digital Clinic. Topics For healthcare, we have two qualifications associated with the timelines existing on earth in our Holistic Center health center. They include the application of the internet and digital communication in medicine, as well as the integration of computerized homeopathy. Homeopathy is accepted and integrated in the health care system in Switzerland. A patient does not have to appear in person for this, his or her data (including photo or DNA/blood drop) are sufficient to ensure a clear identification. Quotes from the “Confidential Swiss Letter” dated October 4, 2016, “The Internet is about to begin a new triumph of its technology. From today by 2022, the digital health market will explode to more than 200 billion dollars. With the initiative “Horizon 2020” initiative, the EU is offering 600 million Euros for the digital future of Europe. The digital analysis of health data leads to an individualized medicine for the patient without consulting doctors”. With our methods, we are striving for two goals: a) an individualization and b) an objectification. Both are not standards in conventional medicine, despite all the Sunday speeches. Instead of individual medical decision-making, there are schemes: the so-called evidence-based medicine = EbM Medicine = EbM, based on guidelines; or an irrationality, the so-called authority-based medicine. We want to change this in a positive sense. It is safe to predict that parallel to the transformation of industry into the status 4.0, Information Technology (IT) will also take the medicine, as it has control over far more information and its meanings than the brain of a doctor, and much faster. Today’s common - rather primitive - medicine of antagonists and blockers will be overtaken by it. However, the problem remains that the studies on which the IT statements are based are largely influenced or distorted by the pharmaceutical industry. Corruption has also made inroads in this and the Cochrane Collaborations for the control of worldwide scientific publications have a lot of work ahead of them ( The ET entity CoBra writes about this: ( “The pharmaceutical industry was created by the darkness for a few reasons - first, to extract more money from the people who were artificially made sick. Second, to make them [the pharmaceuticals]. in the human bodies to create stress in the biochemical systems, which prevents the raising of the vibration frequency. It is true that certain medicines may help alleviate some symptoms of a particular disease in certain cases, but in most of the cases disease is a manifestation of certain internal blockages, or a manifestation of all the artificial intrusion into the human body. The new Medicine, which is being born on the whole planet right now, raises the vibrational frequency of the human being and the relationship of the human consciousness to the physical body. The key to restoring health and the whole energy here is the plasma level”. What We Do At our center, we make cause-related online diagnoses and complete them with online therapies by quantum teleportation. We use the computer-controlled and advanced bioresonance system TimeWaver® (, which resonates with the individual information patterns of the patient in the global information field.( Liouville%27s_Theorem_in_Classical_Mechanics_and_the_Global_Information_Field) via a Kozyrev mirror ( document/184752654/Kozyrev-Mirrors) and two entangled quantum random number generators ( wiki/Hardware_random_number_generator). The earthly representation of the information field is the Akasha-Chronicle, a holographic quantum field with unlimited capacity. It contains all information concerning the individuals and their souls (deeds, thoughts, feelings, motivations...) of all their incarnations.The healing themes or measures, which prove to be important for the patient, are transmitted to the subconsciousness as digital frequency patterns, i.e., as a “remote treatment” ( This method is independent of space and time. The patient also receives his results as e-mail attachments, so that he can deal with the contents.The Information Field . The basics of the TimeWaver® systems about the consciousness and its interaction with matter are found in quantum physics and depth psychology. The connection between the two follows the German physicist Burkhard Heim and his postulated information field ( and ( B. Heim developed a 12-dimensional cosmological model. It contains: d1- d3 = matter, d4 = time, d5-d6 = energetic regulation field, d7-d8 = global information fiel, d9 = free human will, d10 = phantasies, d11 = cosmic consciousness, and d12 = the source (Figure 1). Digital Homeopathy No medical field can be better optimized by that than homeopathy because it is systematized and works on the information level (d7). In it, the diagnostic basis is the repertorization procedure ( and ( Repertorium-Software can be used to facilitate the search for the identity of the simile: However, the software of the TimeWaver® is not limited to homeopathy but contains more than 1,000,000 digitalized information about pathologies on the one hand and remedies on the other. Their correspondences and themes on the levels d1 to d8 can be identified. Critics and Limitations In the field of testing methods, there is generally an antagonism between sensitivity and stability: the more sensitive a method, the less stable or reproducible it is. The here described surveys of the information field are very sensitive. To guarantee the necessary degree of reproducibility, one criterion must be added: the plausibility. It should be given by the user who sorts out improbable results based on his experience and demands repetitions in case of unclear results. It is therefore also clear that this system could be fully system could be fully automated, but this should not be aimed at since there are weaknesses about reproducibility. The consciousness of the human being with its openness to intuition, conscience and ethics is irreplaceable This is what the producers of artificial intelligence devices have also had to realize this. The information field is not a simple computer memory but is subject to the cosmic-divine laws. Egocentric questions, which contradict the divine laws, are answered in absurd and/or wrong way. An example: one could find out the upcoming lottery numbers with the help of the yes/no function. This is completely egocentric; the results will be wrong. If a user similarly lets his expectations or doubts flow in, the results will be inadequate, as well as if an IT-only program is active. A crucial point is therefore that the user “human” has control over questions and answers, that he is neutral and has a stable consciousness. Only then the information field answers and works optimally and can guarantee a high accuracy rate. Misuse of the system can thus not be ruled out, which, however, unfortunately applies to almost all human knowledge, techniques, and technologies. The Future It fulfils the expectation and description of the 6th Kondratieff-Wave cycle (http://www.kondratieff -wave) for the period of the integration of IT in the individual health care. Wikipedia: “Several candidates have been identified as technologies that dominate the 6th Kondratieff -cycle: Biotechnology, Nanotechnology, psychosocial health and competence, mobile Internet ...”.  As early as 1996, Nefedov, in his book “The Sixth Kondratieff “ argued that the next fundamental innovation will take place in healthcare. ( This is a version of the medicine of the future that we use successfully in everyday life, and we present it here. It is a gentle, holistic medicine of vibrations and by means of vibrations/digital frequency patterns, which integrates modern information technological innovations.Of course, it cannot replace symptom-related emergency medicine or surgical interventions, but the emphasis is on finding and treating the causes of diseases, preferably as prophylaxis and prevention.
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